April 30th

The Lybrel Difference

So this ad really cracks me up:


“Many health care professionals agree that there is no need to have a period while taking the pill”. (Why not add: There’s no need to shit, fart, pee, burp, sleep, laugh, cry, live, screw, or eat when on the pill either?)

Is that because many thousands more health care professionals are making gazillions of dollars from those women who took the pill for so many years, that their ovaries need a huge mega dose of hormones to jumpstart their engines? And why do so many women feel the need to stop their periods…because it’s annoying? We’re lucky that modern medicine can help us out with that little inconvenience even though God or nature thought differently. Well, maybe science can give us a pill to turn us into dogs—they only go into heat twice a year. I’ve come up with a little list of natural and man made inconveniences that maybe modern medical science can help us out with:

1) Peeing: How amazing would it be if we only have to pee, one long race horse pee a day? No more: “excuse me, excuse me” while sitting in the middle seat of a movie, during the Mets playoff (bottom of the 10th inning), at 2AM, 4AM, 6AM, during sex, etc. I completely understand any 5 year old peeing in their pants during Sponge Bob.
(NOTE: Some exceptions to the inconvenience– long, boring meetings when I don’t have a blackberry and boring sex)

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April 28th

Happiness Is Possible and Some People Really Are Nice–But Can They be Successful?

Tonight, Bella’s homework assignment was to observe a family member (i.e. me, myself, moi) watching TV. Seems like the purpose of the assignment was to point out how pre-adolescent viewing can cause children to not have realistic relationships with other human beings because television characters don’t have eye contact with children which teaches children to not have normal, eye contact relationships with other humans (well, I don’t exactly believe that television is the primary culprit for this event–I’m thinking that it’s more like YouTube, MySpace, FaceBook, texting, ipoding, emailing, cell phoning, IMing, MyYearbook, YourYearBook, Help.com, and well, a whole bunch of other electronic devices that don’t have, um, human eyeballs– are you following me here?)

Anyway, I happily oblige Bella’s request for television participation and turned on House. A patient on the show is, according to House, TOO FRIGGIN’ nice. So, he must be neurologically sick, but he’s been this way for 11 years, so how can that be? The entire thrust of the show is Read the rest of this entry »

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April 28th

I am losing it

Last night I drempt that Bella went to Nordstrom’s and come home riding a gigantic tricycle and wearing very long, very thick, fake eyelashes. Is there something wrong with me??


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April 27th

Lip Exfoliation


Bella: My lips are a different color, aren’t they?

Me: No.

Bella: Yes, they are. Look.

Me: They aren’t a different color. They’re just chapped.

Bella: Yes, that’s what I mean, they are chapped, so they are two different colors. I exfoliated them.

Me: You exfoliated them??

Bella: Yes, with a toothbrush.

Me: And who gave you that brilliant idea? HELP.COM?

Bella: Yes. They said you are supposed to exfoliate your skin and your lips.

Me: So now, they are more chapped.

Bella: Yes. How did you know that exfoliating my lips would make them MORE chapped?

Me: I don’t know. Somehow, strangely enough, I’ve made it to my ripe old age without ever exfoliating. Lips or skin. Well maybe once. In the shower with a loofa. But then the loofa got moldy so that was the end of that.


Later this evening:

Bella: My lips are still chapped. How long will they take to heal?

Me: I DON’T know. Just don’t shave your eyelids.

Bella: Huh?

What I really want to know is WHO THE HELL are the THEY on Help.com? I want that job.

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April 27th

New York Vs LA: Part I

It ain’t that different. And those of you who are homo-coastal? Well, think again.

Street signs: Equally hard to understand.



Traffic tickets? Equally easy to get.

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April 24th

The Itch: Part III

Today, the most blessed event of my entire week in LA. 

Hey mom, guess what I DON’T HAVE anymore???

Let me guess.  For those of you who missed Part I and Part 117 of the Odessey of  Teen Bikini Shaving, go here:  I Got An Itch and The Itch Part 117.  That should bring you up to date.  Now, if you’ll leave me with my sunset and Pina Colota, I bid you adieu from La La land.


P.S.  For those of you who don’t get the relationship between this picture and shaving, there is none.  I just wanted to make you jealous of how fucking fantabulous the view from my balcony this week was.  But no worries.  Tomorrow, the big dirty apple will be under my feet again.  (I know it’s been keeping you up nights.)

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April 22nd

Paris Hilton Sighting

I had to go to THE IVY while in LA. Ok, I didn’t have to, but I figured Bella’d get a kick out of the celeb hot spot. (I didn’t realize that 2 salads and $90 later…)paps.JPG

The Paps were out. THEN I remembered. Yesterday, when I walked over to make my res, I saw John McCain’s name in the book. JOHN MCCAIN was in there. I was as giddy as the first time I made out with Dave Anish at my first makeout party, before I realized French kissing is an acquired taste.

“Mom, you’re NOT going to pose with him ARE YOU?” OF COURSE. “But you HATE him!” So what? Why should that matter?

But it wasn’t John, it was PARIS. And THERE SHE WAS with Joel or Billy or Billy Joel or whatever his name was. I whipped out the cannon. “I’m sorry, no photo taking,” scolded the matre’d. Shit. Caught. Embarrassed, I slipped my camera in my bag but not before a Pap saw. “Look out, tourist coming through, “yelled the Pap. FUCK YOU!

Well, since the camera wasn’t allowed, I figured I would SNEAK a few photos so you could get a feel:



And, she PEED here:


God DAMN those paps are a pain in the ass. larathestar.JPG

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