January 7th
Hey: A shout out to Diets In Review (yeah, not my content, but pretty good, none-the-less)
20 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make
Happy New Year! Now that 2009 is safely behind us it is time to embrace the newness of 2010. Not only does today mark the start of a new year, but also the start of a new decade.
This year, resolve to make a simple resolution. Make it an attainable goal. And don’t stop there. When you reach that goal, make another one, and then another. With each little success you achieve you’ll be motivated to shoot for another. Before you know it, it will be January 1, 2011 and you’ll be down to a goal weight, or will have completely given up soda, or maybe be walking more than driving.
If you need a little push in the right direction, try on these simple resolutions for size. And then get ready to make it an entire year of mini-resolutions that add up to one big healthy change!
- Replace one soda with a glass of water each day.
- Do a half-decaf, half full-caf blend and slowly wean yourself to full decaf coffee.
- Wake-up 30 minutes early during the work week. Use that time to read, meditate, eat breakfast, take a walk or simply not feel rushed in the morning.
- Buy one new fruit and vegetable at the store each week, and actually eat it!
- Take your lunch to work at least once each week.
- Eat dinner at the table without TV or other media interference at least one night each week.
- Pick a spot one mile from your front door and walk there and back most nights of the week.
- Carve out some “me” time for one hour each week.
- Pay for, and attend, three sessions with a personal trainer.
- Get a physical.
- Take a multi-vitamin each morning.
- Jog in place or do push-ups during commercials of your favorite TV show.
- Pace during long phone calls.
- Play outside with your kids for an hour each weekend.
- Don’t eat while in the car.
- Swap your favorite ice cream for the sugar-free version.
- Order a salad at every meal when dining out (dressing on the side).
- Swap ground turkey for ground beef in one meal a week.
- Give one loaf of whole grain bread a try.
- Leave work on time one night each week.
January 7th
Yes, this couple accidentally won $128 million. And I have to tell you, I’ve accidentally done some things too. But, um, I don’t think they are quite the same, do you?
Here’s my list of accidental things:
10)forgot take my makeup off at night and woke up with racoon eyes
9) ate an entire box of Godiva chocolates until they were gone
8) forgot to pay my Visa bill
7) forgot to pay my cable bill
6) forgot to pay my electric bill (see a pattern here?)
5) to close the window before I left for vacation right before hurricane Doreen struck
4) forgot to look behind my when I backed up the car and hit a gasoline pump. Yes. I did that.
3) dropped my cell phone down the friggin’ toilet
2) forgot to get married
1) threw out my wallet with the old newspapers just after I cashed my paycheck. Um yes, it was over $1000.
So, we all do things accidentally. Some things just count more than others.
January 3rd
Yesterday, in the cold as a witch’s tit weather, I decided to throw out whatever I could get my hands on — and it amounted to about 3 huge 5 gallon bags of clothes (don’t worry I donated), paper cups and 10 year old lunch boxes. And THEN, miracle of miracles, I finally (6 months later) re-covered my ripped dining room chairs. And, add to that, I found out you can actually use a power drill as a phillips head screw driver. I am now thinking I am a fucking genius.
So what I really want to know, all you Spark People folks, does re-furbishing count as exercise? My muscles think so! (it sure looks like Yoga to me)
January 1st
Well, I ate under 1200 calories…I think. So far, I am not too hungry! But I am so used to Weight Watchers tools that I am finding Spark People a little difficult. The community seems great, but difficult to manipulate. Oh well, let’s just see how it goes. And tomorrow…the gym. (After I do the closets).
January 1st
Ok, so like the rest of the world, today is the day. I am going to start the rest of my life…and my diet. Last night was a gluttony of wine, cheese and chocolate and funny doggy stories (sorry my life isn’t more interesting–at Bella’s request we took Chloe to my friend’s New Year’s soiree where Chloe proceeded to terrorize the other dog by growling everytime he walked by, and then ended up in his crate because she needed some peace and quiet)–oh well, back to THE DIET. I got on the scale and it tips it TEN FRIGGIN’ POUNDS heavier than last year at this time–AND for the first 8 months I WORKED FOR WEIGHT WATCHERS. (I didn’t say I was ON Weightwatchers — just that I WORKED there). You would think that someone who was as food and health conscious as I am would lose the damn weight and keep it off, the only problem is that I am conscious–of the food going into my mouth. So here it is. This time I am going to try Spark People…just for a little variation. Problem is, I can’t figure out how many calories I need (or NOT) to lose the weight.
So here it goes… the Weight Loss Journey #425– the number of times I’ve tried to lose those 10 pounds (well now it’s really 13, but who’s counting??) And I will go from this:
To this — and maybe, just maybe, the blond hair will come along with it!
December 31st
So tonight, I am going over to a friend’s house, and I thought, what better way to show my love and appreciation than to bake? I mean anyone can purchase cake, right? Chocoholic that I am, I found Death by Chocolate and I’m like, this looks AWESOME. But then, after reading about all the beating, and whisking, mixing and melting, I’m like who the F&ck wants to DIE anyway?? Nothing like a good ‘ol Duncan Hines Brownie Mix. So I go to the store and after reading the box, find there are way too many ingredients I can’t pronounce . And me being all natural and everything (except when it comes to wine), I find these:
And, an added benefit? When made by the box directions, only 120 calories, 0 fat, and 1 gram fiber. If my memory serves me correctly, only 2 points. (Except, I didn’t follow directions and I added Ghiradelli semi-sweet chips– so I think they might be a tad more). But at least, I can pronounce all the ingredients like sugar, flour and cocoa.
So I bake and I bake (for at least 1 hour–even though the box says 45 minutes) because the insides are still gooey. But then, low and behold…the verdict is? Delicious (according to me and Bella ) If you’re trying to watch your weight, you might want to try them without the chips. But then again…maybe not.
Happy New Year everyone. And tomorrow? Tomorrow will be another diet day.