I am not the only one who doesn’t like snow!
Feuding trees
It’s that time of year again folks, and, sorry for re-blogging, but there it is in all it’s GLORY, Menorah Ginormo. So, while there is no tree yet, I am sure that this and the two other menorahs on the concierge desk in my apartment building should make all those religious ones very happy, that once again, us Jews were not left behind the eight ball on East 31st. Street.
First Posted: December 9, 2009
There it is, in black and white (really color) but alas, today, I walked into my building and Christmas had arrived. Or shall I say Hanukah? In a big way. And I mean REALLY big. So, I say to the doorman “what the F*ck is that ginnormous OUTDOOR menorah doing in the lobby?” And he’s like, well apparently there were some complaints that Hanukah was under represented. And I’m like, “it’s supposed to be. Judiasm is about subtlety. Jeez louise”. And at that very moment, one of my brethren stopped by after a glance at the Menorah Tree and gleefully exclaimed, “it’s about time!”.
What is this world coming to?
New Weightwatchers Point Values! Woo hoo.
So today Weight Watchers released the New and Improved Weight Watchers point values. So, first, I log and and GUESS WHAT? I am sooo happy. I go from a measly 22 points per day to twenty whopping NINE points and I am like psyched. And most importantly, most very importantly is the fact that all fruits and vegetables are ZERO points. Did you HEAR ME WORLD???? ZERO FRIGGIN’ points. I am so happy if I were a dog my tail would be wagging so hard, my body would fall off.
But wait. Wait a gosh darn minute. What’s that you say?? FERMENTED fruit, as in fruit of the VINE doesn’t COUNT as a fruit? What the… I rapidly log in to my account and look up WINE. The world starts to spin. Faster and faster. A glass of wine is now FOUR POINTS!! FOUR points? Up from TWO? Are you KIDDING ME?? (Yes, that was all cap worthy) Is this the god damn prohibition starting all over? (OK, so I watch a little too much HBO). You, Weight Watchers team are telling me I can have 20 bananas today, and sit all day on the pot without avail tomorrow and use ZERO POINTS. But one teensy weensy glass of red wine is FOUR, count ’em FOUR points?
Well, OK. I guess you guys know what you are doing. But at this time I recall to memory a brief conversation I had with Jean Neiditch (Weight Watchers loving founder) two years ago. She said to me, (in a very nasel, Queens accent–heavier than Leah Remini if you can picture), “points, it’s all so complicated now. When I started Weight Watchers I said here are the foods you CAN eat, and here are the foods you CAN’T eat. And that was my diet.” And I’m like, as long as wine is on that list, I’m with you. Wait, was it?
Boo versus Obama
Am I the only one that found Boo more interesting than the Obama/Jon Steward interview tonight?
September 11, 2010
The bars are noisy,
They watch the games,
My windows are open,
I’m filled with shame.
For unlike years past,
When sadness was abound,
Today flew by,
With little sound.
I didn’t watch the goings on,
911 TV,
Not that I didn’t want to remember,
I was just too busy.
So tonight as I got ready for bed,
I peaked out the window,
And saw instead,
Those two beams of light,
Touching the sky,
Reminding me of all who had died.
I’m happy to know
New York’s life has gone on.
Except for those who’ve lost
A wife, husband, daughter or son.
And now I give pause,
Because I do remember,
Those who’s lives
We had to surrender.
That horrible day,
Nine years past,
Burning buildings and tears,
Will always last.
No matter how busy,
Even when life seems crazed.
I will always remember
The Twins that were razed.
Maybe I thought I wasn’t good enough for you…
…The best line in Degrassi in tonight’s finale by Drew (to his girlfriend) as to why he cheated on her with a boiler room tryst. Or maybe, just maybe he just wanted a blow job from the sizzling hot girl who offered. (Teenage hormones and all that). They sure didn’t make TV shows like that when I was a teen. In fact, this show makes Desperate Housewives look like Barney. But who am I to comment?
Been there. Done that. But Bella BETTER NOT.
One Night Stand from Jack Tew on Vimeo.