January 23rd

The office

I finally got an office. It’s an awesome office. It used to be a closet, but now? It’s all mine.

I even have a window view. If you look out my door, down the hall to Sabrina’s office I can see, quite clearly, the window reflecting on the glass wall of her office. See?

I’ve made it. I’m thinking I feel not at all that different than Barack, that first day he walked into his office.

Doncha think?

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January 21st

The first day on the job

So, I don’t know what your first day on the job looks like, but mine is usually looks something like this:

9:00-9:30 – Arrive at work. Get coffee
9:30-11:30 – Get office supplies and set up office
11:30-12:00 – Hang Pictures–Make office look nicer
12:00-12:30 – Email all my clients new contact info
12:30-2:00 – Go out to lunch with new boss
2:00-3:00 – Meet office staff
3:00-4:00 – Meet my staff
4:00-5:00 – Set up plans for next day
5:00-6:00 – Look busy
6:00-6:15 – Pack up office
6:16- Go Home

And, here’s what Obama’s first day might look like

8:30-9:00 – Make a motion to suspend Gitmo trials
9:00-9:30 – Have coffee with joint chiefs of staff
9:30-10:30 – Talk with Prime Minister of Israel
10:-11:30 – Put peace plan together for Gaza
11:30-12:20 – Meet with Treasury Department
12:30-1:30 – Write bill to save US economy
1:30-2:30 – Lunch with Michelle
2:30-3:30 – Design a bill to stomp out world hunger
3:30-4:30 – Meet with top military advisors on exiting Iraq and Afghanistan
4:30-5:00 – Meet with Senate on cabinet nominees
5:00-5:15 – Read letter that Bush left. Listen to words of wisdom.
5:15-6:00 – Figure out new health insurance plan.
6:00-7:00 – Write bill to save failing banks
7:00-8:00 – Up load photos from last night to Snapfish page. Order favorites.
8:01-8:15 – Pack up office
8:16 – go upstairs to new home.

It looks a little bit different than mine, but hell, who’s to judge which day is harder? After all that’s why they call it work, right?

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January 17th

Dearest dad

You’re still here, in my heart, in my head, in every sense of my life. I always think of you, and when I do, you’re still here, still near.

Happy birthday, dearest dad. I love you.


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January 17th


I’m really happy and all that we have something to celebrate. But after watching the train ride covered on CNN, and listening to all the security (in addition to the LOCATION of all the security), I’m kinda thinking, did we really have to spend ALL THOSE millions on this train trip. ’cause there’s a man outside my building and he has no food, and I’ve given him lots of sandwiches. But, it’s still not enough. And, like what about New Orleans? So, really? Did we have to spend all that money? What about just super luxury flight to D.C. Wouldn’t have that worked? And then maybe, someone else could have benefitted from those millions. Advanced thought, no? What’s your idea? (post below)

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January 17th

I may be fat…but I’m alive

So Thursday, as my legs pumped furiously on the eliptical and I saw my reflection in the window, I was thinking” out damn cellulite, out!” But then, as the TV flashed the images of the Hudson River filled people escaping a ditched plane, I doubted, the women in 16B was thinking, “if only I had lost that 10 pounds.” So in the end, I’m thinking a little cellulite really doesn’t matter much at all. What doesn’t matter to you?

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January 12th

Here he is

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January 6th

That DAMN light

So, I am sure that I am not the only one, who at 3AM, finds that stupid light is shining right in their eyes. But, upon second thought, I doubt that anyone has discovered the perfect solution for resolution. So, I am sharing, with you, internet, the piece de resistance in covering up that FUCKING converter box.

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