Very, very clever
Who thinks this stuff up??? Must have lots of time on his hands. Well, better than sitting on them.
To twit, to Friend, to blog, to blither…
Is a paragraph at any length the same? So, I’m sitting in the movies, watching the kinda boring previews and the women next to me are talking loudly, and I’m thinking, should I tweet this? Blog this? Or just turn around and tell them to shut the fuck up? Then, the new Eddie Murphy preview comes on, the guy next to me is laughing. At Eddie. And I’m like, “really? Really. You think this is funny?” Is this something I should post on my Facebook status if I could figure out how to get my Blackberry working ? And then comes the MOVIE. The Soloist, which I’m thinking could be a pretty good movie, except I’m sitting in the front row, so my neck starts to ache, and actually, it’s good, but a little boring and definitely depressing as we are watching the real homeless people act as, um, homeless people and I then I have to use the ladies, and I’m trying to decide when is a good time to disturb the 5 people to the right of me and I realize that it’s actually never, but if I twitted about it perhaps I get all 10 followers to give me some advice, but then I wasn’t sure if people really want to follow my bathroom needs so I decided to make a break for it, which wasn’t too bad because when I came back the movie was more or less where I left it, which…was no where. So I sat and I sighed. Because I’ll never really find out if this is a tweet, a twit, a Fbook or a blog. Maybe somewhere out there the universe can tell me.
Swine Flu: Part IV–I lied so sue me
I know I said I’d never mention the swine again ’cause my hands are so chapped from washing that I can barely type. But I just had to show you this new addition to the beautiful Art Deco Credit Suisse building on Madison avenue. Don’t you think it’s lovely?
Swine flu: Part III- Last one I promise
How swine flu started:
Swine flu bathroom, Part II
Apparently, lots and lots of companies are convinced their employess forgot that washing hands stops the spread of germs. Thank you corporate American for being so kinds and considerate.
So I got an email from my company with tips on how to wash the hands properly to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.
Washing Your Hands
Rub hands together vigorously to make a lather. Soap up to your wrists and don’t forget your fingernails
Scrub for 20 seconds. Need a timer – 20 seconds is about the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.
Rinse well under running water
Dry your hands with a paper towel. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet
If soap and water are not available, use gel hand sanitizers or alcohol-based hand wipes.
Swine flu bathroom
This was our bathroom at work before the swine flu.
And this is our bathroom now.
In case you can’t count, there are no less than three, count them THREE antibacterial soaps (which according to the Editor of Consumer Reports does NOTHING to help control any flu), Lysol Wipes and Oust Spray cleaner for good measure. Add to that, the soap already in the soap dispensers that we used to use in the days before the deadly epidemic. (As of today 109 cases reported in the US–that’s out of 304 million people. And, even though I did snooze all through my math class, that seems, like, um, well not that many people compared to the 36,000 people that get the good old fashioned flu every year. ) Or lthe 5000 deaths from food poisoning every year. But then, what do I know? Clearly, not enough to wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom, so the New York City Department of Health wanted to make SURE, (just in case I didn’t already) I knew that washing hands helps prevent the spread of germs.
I especially like the fact that we are told to STAY HOME in case we get sick. Perhaps NOW all the coughing, sneezing and choking employees on the other side of my wall, will finally get the message. And if NOT? Hell, I’ll take a sick day for the good of the people. Won’t you?
**I especially like how our real estate companies are participating in the campaign to STAMP OUT this global pandemic. Don’t you?
Eyebrow threading
I did it on Sunday. Have you ever? Now I feel like a new, no Brand new person. But this morning? My lids did feel a little nekked. Hey, what’s a few stray eyebrows anyway, eh? And the pain? Well certainly can’t compare to a bikini wax? Ever done that? No thank YOU, I say. There. Now you know all about me.