Pole Dancer
So, by accident, YES BY ACCIDENT, I was searching for an image on Google (yegads, it was for a DANCER, ok?) and this was served up. It was so cute, I could resist, and hell, it’s Friday right?
With Love,
Dearest Dad
It hardly seems, I only see you my dreams,
I’ve seen a lot of you of late, but yesterday escaped.
I totally forgot, though I can’t believe,
June 17th came, and I forgot to grieve.
That day 6 years ago when you left my side,
Your spirit soared to way up high.
I want you to know, that not one day goes by,
That I don’t forget that you have died.
I type it yet I don’t accept,
I still hold the tears not yet wept.
So I put this out there to remember,
My thoughts of you so warm and tender.
I hope you’re well and doing fine,
I hate that it’s just my mind.
Convincing me that you’re still near,
And that you can hear,
My thoughts my dreams my sighs my prayer,
That you will always be there.
I love you Daddy. Never forget.
How to get the job during these rough economic times
So my unemployed friend writes this letter in response to a classified:
To hoom it mae cunsern,
I waunt to apply for the job what I saw in the paper.
I can Type realee quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting…I think I am good on the phone and I no I am a pepole person,
Pepole really seam to respond to me well. Certain men and all the ladies. I no my spelling is not to good but fi nd that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety. My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth, I can start emeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser.
hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.
PS : Because my resimay is a bit short – below is a pickture of me.
And Bryan actually gets this response!
Dear Bryan:
It’s OK honey, we have spell check. See you on Monday.
Audrey Lancaster
Oh, yeah, he also attached his pic to his resume which I thought was totally uncool (see below). Can you believe it? And here I am pounding the pavement. Maybe I should attach my photo?
Cut your cold to 4 days and survive the misery: my most useful post ever
The only thing worse than a winter cold? A summer cold (and swine flu but let’s not go there). Especially if the weather’s nice but since Noah and his arc have taken up residence on the east coast, maybe it doesn’t matter that much. However, I’m a very bad sick person and, up until a few years ago, every head cold turned into a sinus infection with rounds of antibiotics, blah, blah, blah. And so, after much research and pain, I have come up with a survival guide. Here it is:
Ok, I know for sure, most of you are now thinking Lara you are nuts and a hypochrondriac and you are over medicating yourself. But, for those few of you out there, those who’s colds seem to drag on into weeks and months here ya go. And by the way? I’m not a doctor…just a survivor.
1) Nasal rinse and Alkalol: (online or at a homeopathic drugstore): The most important part of the whole shabang. And the grossest I might add. Many people call it a netty pot, but I am telling you, four times a day with this thing helps clear all that lovely green and yellow stuff that comes out of your nose. A splash of Alkalol mixed with regular TAP water (dash of salt helps too) opens up the sinuses. And not get gross and graphic, inhale some this stuff and suck it down your throat and out of your mouth to clear that horrible post nasal drip. First time? You feel like you’re drowning, but trust me on this, soon you’ll be addicted. Start the MINUTE you think you are getting sick.
2) Airborne and Zicam: Build up your defenses. Airborne 3-4 times a day. Zicam (use a Q-Tip and put in OUTER portion of nasal passages. Apparently some people have lost their taste and smell from this–it should only happen to me so I stop eating fuggin’ chocolate all the time, but I squeeze my nose together 30 seconds and then blow the drippy stuff out. I’m still smelling, tasting and EATING.) All pharmacies have. Start the minute you think you are getting sick. UPDATE: JUNE 16 ZICAM HAS BEEN RECALLED, so, like that sucks. But needed to let y’all know!
So, if this hasn’t stopped the march of the cold by the next day…bring in the big guns.
3) I am a big baby when it comes to having pounding head aches and stuffed heads and noses so I do indulge in Sudafed (usually only 2 tabs twice per day–never after 8PM and only for 3 days), Afrin (at night so I can sleep–sorry never learned mouth breathing blame my mother–one more reason for therapy) and Advil, Tylenol or whatever for head ache. They say these things prolong your cold, but I have not found it personally. Use your judgement. I know you guys see that bottle of RobitussenDM too. Which I use. On occasion if after all the tea and honey I drink (see below) doesn’t stop the night time hacking cough.
4) Tea with honey and lemon (yes, it really does work to soothe your throat). Decaf herbal, three times a day. Plus lots of water. (Oh god, I sound like a bad magazine article, so stop reading here if you’re bored)
5) Love thy shower: unless you have such a high fever you can’t stand and then you probably do have the Swine Flu so stop reading this nonsense and get thine arse to a hospital. ‘Cause it opens up your sinus and then you can smell and you don’t want to smell your B.O. And I know you know what a shower looks like but this post would have looked weird if all the other suggestions have pictures and this one doesn’t.
6) Stop the spread of germs: I wash, wash, wash my hands every time I blow (just like the board of health is now telling everyone) but I also wipe all the surfaces down that I’ve touched with some alcohol (NOT to be confused with Alkalol) cause Bella is a much worse sick person than I am. It not only works better than Lysol, it’s a HELL of a lot cheaper.And STAY THE FUCK home…’cause believe it or not, you really can miss a day of work without the whole company falling down and NO ONE WANTS YOUR GERMS. But your body needs the rest and anyway, who needs to go in when your Blackberry/iphone is surgically attached to your hand?
One more little itty bitty thing. And this actually might be the hardest thing of all. You really shouldn’t drink. Anything. Alcoholic Not to be confused with the afore mentioned disenfectant alcohol but don’t drink that either. Just for 4 days. ‘Cause it’s really hard for your body to fight off germs and shit when it’s busy processing that shit. You can manage. By Thirsty Thursday? You will be all ready to Rock ‘n Roll.
PS: I am not a doctor, neither is my mother, so don’t be an ass and go to a doctor if your symptoms don’t clear up in a week or you have a high fever.
The most expensive picnic EVER…and there’s no food
So, I’m thinking that a great, inexpensive way to enjoy the summer (once it friggin’ STARTS–for Godsakes I am begining to think we need to hire Noah at this point) is to just pack up my things and head for a picnic in Central Park. Cheap, easy and fun, right? Um, well, according to TIME OUT KIDS, to really do it right, to really have the right amount of fun, it costs…$377 and that doesn’t even include food…but it does more
Obama and manners
Feet on the desk? Not the end of the world.
Feet on a historical treasure? Welllll, not so good.
Feet on a historical treasure while talking to the Israeli Prime Minster? Worse.
Feet on a historical treasure while talking to the Israeli PM and then having a formal White House press photo taken? Worse yet.
Having visitors at same said desk while talking on the phone? Priceless.
For anyone who has a mom, Jewish, Italian, or otherwise…
I know at least 75% of you have this mother. If you disagree…you are lying. Or in denial.
Courtesy: Tales of Mere Existence