To twit, to Friend, to blog, to blither…
Is a paragraph at any length the same? So, I’m sitting in the movies, watching the kinda boring previews and the women next to me are talking loudly, and I’m thinking, should I tweet this? Blog this? Or just turn around and tell them to shut the fuck up? Then, the new Eddie Murphy preview comes on, the guy next to me is laughing. At Eddie. And I’m like, “really? Really. You think this is funny?” Is this something I should post on my Facebook status if I could figure out how to get my Blackberry working ? And then comes the MOVIE. The Soloist, which I’m thinking could be a pretty good movie, except I’m sitting in the front row, so my neck starts to ache, and actually, it’s good, but a little boring and definitely depressing as we are watching the real homeless people act as, um, homeless people and I then I have to use the ladies, and I’m trying to decide when is a good time to disturb the 5 people to the right of me and I realize that it’s actually never, but if I twitted about it perhaps I get all 10 followers to give me some advice, but then I wasn’t sure if people really want to follow my bathroom needs so I decided to make a break for it, which wasn’t too bad because when I came back the movie was more or less where I left it, which…was no where. So I sat and I sighed. Because I’ll never really find out if this is a tweet, a twit, a Fbook or a blog. Maybe somewhere out there the universe can tell me.