February 21st

So You Think You Want to Diet?

Ok, so today I went to a Weight Watchers meeting to get the frick back on track. The no winechocolateorbread diet I was on only worked the week I was on it, then the week I was off it, I gained the two pounds I lost back, then the week I was on I lost the weight, then the weekend I was off, gained the pounds back. Doesn’t sound like it’s WORKING. Ok, so, back to the meeting where I got great advice. Weight Watchers is all about making positive changes in your life even if it’s only ONE change that week. One change to get you back on track. And my leader is more like a group therapist, so you walk out being very jazzed. And one of the most important tips another member said, (and I remembered it from a past life when I used to have a modicum of resistance) was getting back to drinking eight glasses of water a day (not diet coke, not coffee), really helped her to get back on track (and helps with a whole bunch of other things besides). YES, I thought, that was one thing I could do. But I also learned that even ONE glass of wine EVERY NIGHT, bloats you. (Plus, it kinda makes you not give a shit about what else you eat the rest of the night. You know what I am talking about. ) So I figured how hard could it be? Tonight, NO WINE. Today, lots of water. And I almost did it. I drank at least 21 ounces of water before the end of the day (ok, only three glasses—but better than the day before). Then, at 5:00, (still having at least 4 more hours in front of me, I started picturing it. That chilled bottle of delish Chardonnay in my refrig. And that image stayed with me and powered me through the next four hours. DON’T DO IT, DON’T DO IT, DON’T DO IT”, the voice inside my head yelled. Positive self talk, positive self talk, I remembered from the leader. Oh shit, here comes another hot flash. Where’s that God Damn bottle of wine? Hell, I only have 10 pounds to lose anyway. So you think you want to diet? I guess not.

“Oh fiddle dee dee. Tomorrow’s another treadmill day “.