Skateboard Boy
So today, Chloe and I were just drinking our morning java and minding our own business at the local outdoor cafe, when along comes this loud, obnoxious skate board dude. Well Chloe was in obvious agreement with me because all 10 pounds of her body lunged at him, showing him who was boss, Goddammit. He nearly fell off his skateboard, which gladdened me, because that noise scared the crap out of me while I was trying to soak up all the important daily happenings on my blackberry. You can see how intimidating she can be from this recent photo of her during a squirrel hunt.
“She doesn’t like the noise,” I explained nonchalantly. He took his skateboard slunked away and waited for my big old bowser and me to leave. So THERE!
But then, as he watched me leave, he started up with his noisy bit. So I figured I’d snap him again. And what better way to get a boarder in action that to ASK HIM TO SHOW YOU HOW HE DOES IT. Which he willingly obliged. “But don’t show it to the cops, ” he requested. Why not? Is it illegal? “Nah, nobody really cares if you do it here anymore.” Nobody? Chloe does.
By the way, Blackberry takes some nice pics, doesn’t it?