January 27th

Signs your job may be in danger

On Monday, Yahoo published this: FIVE SIGNS YOUR JOB MAY BE IN JEOPARDY. Not incoincidentally, is the fact that the article is on the Hot Jobs site. But I thought they’ve missed a few, rather obvious contenders. So, I’ve listed them here:

1) Your office is moved to the basement.
2) You are asked to pay for pencils, pens, and computer paper.
3) Your email account no longer works.
4) I.T. does not come to fix your email account.
5) You are “unfriended” by all the people you work with.
6) Your boss no longer greets you.
7) You read in the trades that your division will be closing.
8) When you call your clients, they say, “Oh, I heard you were laid off”.
9) You are stopped at the security desk and not allowed back into your office.
And the clearest sign, that you may be laid off,
10) You no longer receive a paycheck.

I hope this clears it all up. And when or if you are one of the unlucky, these sites may help you in your job search:

Monster, Hot Jobs, The New York Times, and The Ladders. Good luck and good…,well, luck.