May 20th

Lara’s Love Life: Part I don’t know what –I found him…or so I thought

So, things haven’t been so friggin’ bad for a struggling startup CEO.  I’ve been happy for a change.  But busy.  Too busy to write, to post, and dear internet I’ve MISSED you!  but then again… it’s not like I’m off line or anything, but alas, I digress.

So, in all our expansive expansion, we are moving into a REAL office– not just the fake, Micro Office setup which isn’t bad.  To start off.  But, we’re moving across the street and upon my exam of the new space I saw him coming out of the elevator.  He smiled.  I turned to my partner and said, “we are taking the space.”  Now of course I LOOKED at it too, and it was perfect.  More or less for Manhattan, but anyhoo…  Two days later, I see him in my favorite organic coffee shop and I’m like, “this is FRIGGIN’ Kismet.”  So, overhearing his conversation  about websites, I go over and PRETEND I need his services, and I get his number and I pretend I don’t know that he works in the building I am moving into, and lo and behold I find out who he uses for sanitation and all those sundry office expenses that you can’t possibly image exist– like INSURANCE, blah, blah, blah.  AND it turns out he has office space for rent and is all pissed off that the super didn’t tell me about HIS space and I’m like all, “hey, I just signed my lease, but I have 2 days to reneg, so let me take a look at yours (and I’ll show you mine-  hehe), but anyway, we plan to meet the next day at his office.  And, hey, don’t get me wrong I NEVER know when someone is interested, but his EYES DID light up the next day when I showed up.  And I’m like, Kismet.

Thus, when one week later, I chose to email him to grab a bite for lunch (business yabber and all that) and he said sure, when?  I assumed, and you know what that means, that perhaps he too felt the kismet of our meeting.

So today, we meet in his rainy (soon to be my) lobby and he walks very fast to the restaurant, I’m like “he is NOT interested.” But over Cobb salads we bond about movies and databases, and I’m like yes.  YES.  I found him.  He likes Quentin Tarantino and god, a whole bunch of others, and the glimmer is DEFINITELY in his eyes.  And then the check comes.  And he’s “let’s split it.” and I’m like, “he’s NOT interested, but then again, maybe taking his time.” So I give him cash and he puts down his card and takes my cash.  But when he’s figuring out the tip he figures out the cents so it’s exactly $40.  I’d I sigh and think “he’s cheap”, but maybe just OCD about a rounded number.  And we talk again about real estate and then he drops the F- bomb about his F-iance.  And I’m like “oh SHIITE.” Of course.  but then he’s  trashing her to me about the bad driving and now he wants to dump the 1980 Manual BMW because not only is she a bad driver, but add to that manual and Manhattan and what a friggin’ bad mashup that’s goin’ be.

And I’m like “so when are you getting married?” and he’s like well, we just moved in together, so we wanted to see how that went…no date set yet.”

So, I figured that the way married/taken guys flirt is to somehow bash their GF/Wives to the OTHER woman–in a subtle but still not so nice way. At any rate.  I didn’t find him.  Or did I?