May 18th

If I were to twitter… would have looked something like this:

10 minutes ago: twittered my day. Thank GOD that’s over. Do people really spend time on this? Coming soon to a blog near you. Follow me on Twitter.

6:00 hours ago:twittering was the best part of my day.
8:00 hours ago: I am not the only one bored. Everyone here is using their blackberry. New clue on if people listen to you. When blackberries come out, shut the f up.
8:25 hours ago: Keep getting stopped by tens of people thinking I will buy the products they are selling. Keep trying to tell them I stole our marketing director’s badge.
8:55 hours ago: I am squirming in my chair. The man next to me is taking up two chairs. Why is that? This is painful. So is twittering.
10:30 hours ago: Dessert sticks to plate when held vertically. table guesses what it is.
11:00 hours ago: I predicted right. Mystery chicken meat for lunch. At least I know it’s chicken.
13: 55 hours ago: Fuggin person behind me is coughing. Cover your mouth dammit. Swine flu and all that
14:00 hours ago: Um, like today is my first tweet. Entering a very crowded conf. room all about social media.