June 1st

I am a celebrity so get me out of here…

I just kind of have to wonder about these celebs on NBC’s Monday night prime time (thank you very much) line up. They seemed very aghast at their slummy camping facilities, but like, um, didn’t they just sign up for this REALITY FUGGIN’ TV show?? I guess it all is summed up by Heidi Montag when she says, “I feel like everything’s been taken away from me and, like, not in a good way.” My advice, GET OFF THE TV SHOW or shut up you mouf! Listen, you’re in Costa Rica, figure out SOME way to have a good time. Either that, or get back to work. What’s that you say??

What do YOU think, internet. Is it them or am I crazy?

P.S. Do reality stars REALLY count as celebrities??