Friday Update: Six Thoughts for Making It Through Today
1) Despite working at a weight loss company, I still continue to pack on the pounds. Stress, age, lack of exercise, and I AM NOT TRYING AT ALL. Mainly due to stress and no motivation. The chocolate cake looks too good.
2) I still can’t figure out if it’s Barack or McCain, since I really don’t like either much and now, with the exception of one Catholic friend who would vote Republican even if Jesus came back as a Democrat, all my friends are more or less in the same boat. And frankly, I really don’t think Sarah P is going to be president. I don’t think she’s hot either.
3) Many of my friends, despite their old age, have become Facebook addicts (not me, however. I am more into seeing who is posting on Bella’s wall). But it is very clear that a FBA is going to rise up very soon. (Facebook Anonymous). I will be the ringleader.
4) I need a glass of wine. Right now. I’ve tried to quit and it’s not working. Along with my attempt to stop eating chocolate. On my diet.
5) So I get this email from my financial advisers: Six Strategies for Weathering Marketplace Volatility. (Meanwhile, one of the advisers forgets I have a daughter named Bella, and the other talks to me thinking I’m another one of his clients. OOOPPPPS So, it’s like THEY ARE FREAKING OUT TOO). And I’m like, “guess what? Take all your friggin’ money out, but it in a vaccuum sealed zip lock, and shove under mattress.” Safest thing to do any day of the year. Just don’t let the cleaning lady find it.
6) Get the glass of wine. Be happy, that after your 14 hour day, you are finally home.